Infertility Causes

ultrasound baby

Infertility Diagnostic Tests

Trying to get pregnant can be a long and frustrating process. Issues with infertility can lead to anxiety, depression, and can also be very costly. There are various steps that should be taken before you spend your money on trying to get pregnant. Infertility tests can detect both problems and solutions, and should be conducted before any other process.

The Tests

1. Cycle Day 2, or 3 Blood Tests

These tests are conducted on day 2 and 3 of your cycle. The first day is defined as having no spotting and therefore a constant flow. The doctor will take the blood and test for various hormones and levels. These tests can tell how sensitive the ovaries are which helps to know the dosage of fertility drugs they can handle. They will also test for thyroid levels here since thyroid can be a cause of irregular ovulation.

2. HSG Test

An HSG or Hysterosalpingogram test can be performed to better see the uterus, and fallopian tubes. The test is completed by injecting dye into your uterus which shows up in an x-ray. The dye then outlines the uterus, tubes, and pelvic cavity. You may experience cramping, and need to be on antibiotics. These test run after menstruation, but before ovulation, typically between days 6 and 12 of your cycle.

3. LH Surge/Ovulation Predictor Kits

These kits provide a test stick which predicts ovulation. 10 days from the start of your menstruation, you will be asked to begin checking your urine every morning with your test stick. If the stick test is positive, you should ovulate within 24-36 hours. The test helps to tell if you are releasing an egg at the correct time in your cycle.

4. Progesterone Level

Progesterone is a hormone that helps maintain healthy endometrial lining during pregnancy. This level is conduct through a blood test which is typically drawn a week after ovulation. The healthy progesterone level stands at 10ng/ml or above.

5. Water Ultrasound

Also known as a sonohysterogram, water ultrasounds examine the uterine cavity. Possible abnormalities such as polyps of fibroids can hurt chances of pregnancy. The ultrasound is typically performed between days 6 and 12 of your cycle, and is a quick 10 minute in-office routine.

6. Semen Analysis

Male infertility accounts for a significant number of infertility cases. Our specialists will examine the sperm count, sperm motility, sperm size and shape, semen volume and other things to try and identify issues.

7. Pelvic Ultrasound

Examining the uterus, ovaries and pelvic area is an important part of infertility diagnostics for a woman. An ultrasound can identify fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries.

8. Other

Depending on your case, other tests may be conducted for infertility help.

Contact Green Valley today if you are having trouble getting pregnant. Infertility is common and can be fixed when the root cause is known.

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